COVID-19 : Reduce Your Risk & Improve Outcomes
In light of the onset of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Australia, we would like to assure you that the health, wellness, and safety of our clients and staff will always be our top priorities at Metabolic Health Solutions.
To this end, we are continuing to take every measure to maintain the highest possible standards in cleanliness and hygiene, and have added extra stringent precautions including:
- Before and after each appointment staff will clean down all surfaces with a water and bleach disinfectant mix. This may slow down our process and we hope you will understand if we run a little behind schedule as a consequence.
- Hand sanitiser will be available in the treatment room during consultations and testing.
- The mouthpieces contain an electrostatic bacterial/viral filter and will be disposed of after each test.
- Administration staff will not be making physical contact with any clients and as such may ask you to place EFTPOS cards in the HiCAPS and EFTPOS machine at the time of payment and claims of health benefits funds. The machine will be cleaned between use.
- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new virus strain that attacks the respiratory tract
- Your metabolic health is important, particularly during these challenging times
- Diabetes and being treated for high blood pressure increases the risk of developing severe and fatal COVID-19 - click here for more details
- High blood sugar levels can alter immune response - click here for more details.
- Unfortunately, you cannot change your age, but there are various steps you can take now to help minimise immune suppression and reduce your risk:
- Prioritise sleep, and if you have a CPAP machine - use it
- Continue to be active and exercise - click here for more details
- Ensure adequate intake of nutrients (including zinc, magnesium and collagen) and reduce pro-inflammatory foods such as sugar and omega-6's
- Get enough sunlight to stimulate vitamin D production and check your levels with your GP
- Quit smoking or talk to your GP about other options
- Lose weight, reduce your BSL and improve your metabolic health - the team at MHS can help - contact us.
If you have flu-like symptoms including a sore throat, runny nose or fever, or have travelled overseas at all in the past 14 days, please keep yourself and others safe and healthy by refraining from attending physiotherapy, remedial massage and dietary management until cleared by a medical specialist. If you need to reschedule an appointment please reach us on 9523 0523.
We are also exploring the possibility of telehealth if and when required. If you have any other queries or questions please do not hesitate to let us know.
Thank you for your support in keeping our community healthy and strong.
Further Resources from a doctor's perspective: