MHS are happy to report that we can help with the evidence-based lifestyle strategies supported by GP's and Australian Of The Year in this video highlighting that type two diabetes is preventable and in many cases, can even be reversed.
In conjunction with a patient's unique metabolic data to ensure safety, personalisation and optimal results, our qualified health professionals have helped many West Australians to reduce their medications and complications from Diabetes, just like MHS employee and former patient Martin.
"Four and a half years ago I was 109 kg and severely diabetic (type 2) with an HbA1c of 9% while still struggling on three different diabetes medications. I was never able to lose weight. I went on a low carbohydrate diet and lost about 12 kg and dropped my HbA1c to about 6%. I then became frustrated at my difficulty to lose more weight as a low carb diet, while keeping me non-diabetic, didn't improve that much and didn't help me to lose more weight. I stumbled upon Metabolic Health Solutions (MHS) and started as a client.
Now my last HbA1c was 4.6% and I am about 80 kg. By using the right exercise and diet that focuses on metabolic health, I have not only put diabetes in remission but have defeated this terrible chronic progressive disease and maintained it for four years. It means I'm never hungry and don't have to exercise excessively to maintain it. I now work for MHS and I'm committed to helping more people improve their metabolic health.
While my result is just that of one person, if you have type 2 diabetes, or are heading that way, it's time to take stock and focus on your metabolic health to improve it to be the best you can. That starts with metabolic measurement and a lifestyle change that both improve your diabetes management and helps you lose weight sustainably without hunger so that you can get more out of life."
Lets hope your experience becomes the norm very soon in Australia.
Great story and vid link